Welcome to the GAUGE
Industry Roadmap of Benchmarks and Trends for Government Contractors
Our GAUGE Report is a tool for the government contracting community to gain insights into industry best practices and performance metrics. Using data that we have compiled from the Report, use our interactive benchmarking tool to see how your company compares.
Learn how you rank among your government contracting peers.
Use the GAUGE tool today!
Simply enter some basic information about your organization and hit “Submit” to receive the visualization of how your company stacks up against others in the industry. If you did not compare as well as expected, we’ll offer suggestions for getting your company to the next level. Benchmark your company now!
2023 GAUGE Report Coming Soon!
Our 7th edition of the GAUGE Report will be released soon! This year’s report will focus on the theme of “Lead By Forecasting” and it will the include the annual benchmarking data you’ve come to depend on to compare your company against your peers.

2022 GAUGE Highlights
Lead By Forecasting
The GAUGE report captures responses from the government contracting community annually between January and July. The diversity of the responses spans a broad array of company sizes, titles, roles, and types. Our interactive benchmarking tool is here to help you see how your company is tracking in comparison to others. Some facts about the survey include:
Survey Contributors
C-Suite Respondents
New contracts as most concerning issue.
Lack policies on forecasting